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Calamity on Kalamalka Road

There exists a David Wilcox song entitled Bump Up Ahead. Perhaps Wilcox derived his lyrical inspiration from speed bumps similar to the ones recently deployed on Kalamalka Road, near Coldstream Elementary School. Maybe he was driving, hitting one of the extremely poorly marked mounds and his head went through the headliner. This could have been his inspiration for the tune.

There exists a David Wilcox song entitled Bump Up Ahead. Perhaps Wilcox derived his lyrical inspiration from speed bumps similar to the ones recently deployed on Kalamalka Road, near Coldstream Elementary School. Maybe he was driving, hitting one of the extremely poorly marked mounds and his head went through the headliner. This could have been his inspiration for the tune. For myself, when my head went through the headliner, creating an unwanted sun roof, I decided my artistic talents were best served with a letter to the editor.

These speed bumps are badly marked. Signage exists at the bumps, giving the driver no prior warning of the carnage that lies ahead. When night driving, be sure to have all of your personal affairs in order. Travelling in smaller cars, headlight trajectory does not even begin to properly illuminate the speed bumps. If changes are not implemented here, it is of my opinion, that a tragedy is all but certain.

More often than not, someone needs to lose a loved one before the obvious changes are implemented. I reminds me of the intersection of Coldstream Creek and Cunliffe roads.

This remained a dangerous intersection for years. Despite the public voicing concerns for a four-way stop, it took the loss of life for the municipality to dispatch work crews

These bumps are flawed and need to be addressed. Something else Coldstream council neglected to take into consideration when commencing this project is how this project has negatively impacted the quality of life for the folks living on the bump corridor.

I would say that half-an-hour never elapses without a vehicle bottoming out. Boats have slipped off their trailers. Thirty-five degree days, and people are forced to sleep with their windows shut to combat the noise.

Safety of our children in and around Coldstream school should be paramount. However, these bumps have irony written all over them, because the very bumps designed to save a life ultimately are going to claim one.

John Hegler Jr.
