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Climate change educational read on offer at Okanagan library

LETTER: Reader recommends Fire Weather - On the Front Lines of a Burning World, by John Vailant

If any reader cares to gain insights into “why now” re: climate change, I recommend borrowing a book from the Okanagan Regional Library: Fire Weather - On the Front Lines of a Burning World, by John Vailant.

The early chapters outline what happened at Fort McMurray, Alta., in 2016 when a small fire escalated far beyond previous fire fighting experiences and explains what lead to that escalation.

In following chapters, and beyond that specific fire, Vailant describes centuries-old catastrophes throughout the world and throughout time, and what the release of carbon dioxide because of those fires has led to.

I am no scientist, having leaned more towards the “arts” throughout my life; Vailant uses scientific terminology - then offers analogies in terms which I totally understand. In other words it’s an “easy read” but by the time I got towards the end of the book I found it almost too distressing to finish. But finish I did and am glad of the “education” I received.

If the name John Vailant is familiar, he also wrote The Tiger,“The Golden Spruce and The Jaguar’s Children, and he lives in Vancouver.

E. Suzie Sims,
