Community members looking to stick to new year's resolutions to be more fit while having fun can do just that by getting footloose on the dance floor.
"People set goals such as being more active, trying to have real fun at least once a week, exercising, socializing, making new friends, celebrating life and perhaps learning to dance," the Star Country Squares dance club said.
Social Square Dancing serves to accomplish all those goals at the only square dance club currently operating in the Okanagan Valley.
The square dance fun starts at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23 and newcomers are also welcome on subsequent Thursdays: Jan. 30, Feb. 6 and 13, at the Halina Activity Centre.
No pre-registration is required, just drop in for $10/night. Instructing as the caller-teacher is Allan Peterson of Salmon Arm.
Celebrating their 25th Anniversary this year, the club was formed as an amalgamation of the Vernon Stardusters, which originated in the 1960s, and the Sun Country Squares dance clubs.
The structure of the square dance is for paired-off teams of eight people, standing in a square formation, to interact with each other as they hear various moves or "calls" from a caller.
"They step to a steady beat of music wherein the rhythms range from pop to country and show tunes to golden oldies," the club explains.
Revitalized from its heritage roots, the dance has been condensed into a program of fewer calls taught in less time, therefore getting dancers moving and having fun sooner.
"While some of the calls are choreographed to a particular piece of music, other routines are comprised of random calls where the dancer has to listen carefully to know which way to go. Those can be a source of spontaneous laughter because dancers often anticipate the direction only to find themselves going another way," the club said.
In addition to the upcoming dances, a free open house square dance in celebration of Vernon Winter Carnival takes place Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. The Hip to be Square dance event will correspond with the Carnival’s 1980’s theme.
Casual attire is advised and footwear should be low heel and soft-soled. Most ages are welcome at the lessons in Social Square Dancing including singles, couples and families. Youth must be aged 12 years or up and accompanied by an adult, but are half price (12 to 19).
"Social Square Dancing really is all about the fun. North Okanagan residents are warmly welcomed to come give it a try."
For more information, contact Roxy at 250-540-9877, email: or visit