Vernon's second kick-off to Culture Days in B.C. will have another musical flair.
The lineup for the opening weekend of Sundog Fest – Greater Vernon's newest festival for everything arts and culture – has been announced, and every act in Polson Park is free to the public.
The festival takes place in the park, along with the Polson Artisan Market, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 20 and 21.
"Sundog Fest is a vibrant community-driven festival that celebrates arts and culture on a local scale, offering opportunities for everyone in our community to participate in their own unique way," said the event's website (
"It all starts with a high-energy musical weekend, and this family friendly event guarantees a wide range of entertainment for all ages."
Music at the Polson Park Bandstand will run from 4-10 p.m. Friday's slated lineup includes:
• Micsmith;
• The Miles Skye Club;
• Ray the Nihilist;
• The Dough Boys ft. BRAINiac;
• 538st;
Saturday's lineup is slated to include:
• Danny Bell and his Disappointments;
• Francis Jafro;
• Coco Jafro;
• Saltwater Hank;
• Queer as Funk;
• Empanadas Ilegales.
The music will start Saturday at 2 p.m.
Sundog Fest is free to the public, made possible by a government grant, so everyone is invited to discover new artists and support local businesses.
The Polson Artisan Market will be on-site with a range of talented artists and craftspeople, and food trucks will give your palate a chance to connect with the local community and support small business.
If you are are interested participating as a vendor, apply directly to the market organizers at
Sundog Fest is organized by the Arts Council of the North Okanagan, and runs Sept. 20 to Oct. 13.