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LETTER: Cherryville groups thank Tolko

LETTER: Cherryville groups thank Tolko

Vernon-based company donates $20,000 toward two key community projects
Know the past to plan for future of Okanagan forests

Know the past to plan for future of Okanagan forests

LETTER: We should use line skiders and chainsaws on steep hill sides to prevent erosion
4-H sends thanks following Armstrong fair

4-H sends thanks following Armstrong fair

Continued support keeps Milky Way Dairy and Swine 4-H club growing
Mental health murals could have been a Vernon vandalism target

Mental health murals could have been a Vernon vandalism target

LETTER: Writer points out that those in opposition may have defaced the art, in turn hurting the artists
Dangerous stretch of Vernon road deserves fixing

Dangerous stretch of Vernon road deserves fixing

LETTER: Driver concerned with small shoulder on Kal Lake Road
Mask murals a missed opportunity in Vernon

Mask murals a missed opportunity in Vernon

LETTER: City’s decision to dismiss mental health project has implications
Speed, crashes spark safety concerns from Vernon neighbourhood

Speed, crashes spark safety concerns from Vernon neighbourhood

LETTER: Traffic volume has significantly increased since the opening of the roundabouts
Letter: North Okanagan-Shuswap MP quick to blame, short on details

Letter: North Okanagan-Shuswap MP quick to blame, short on details

Arnold urged to share specific proposals to lower cost of living
Guess that sign: Okanagan Rail Trail marker overgrown

Guess that sign: Okanagan Rail Trail marker overgrown

Trail users wondering why a sign would be erected behind a tree
Vernon veteran pens battlefield poem

Vernon veteran pens battlefield poem

Face to graves written by Second World War Sergeant David Janicki