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Act of Kindness

I would like to thank Brown Socialhouse in the Village Green Centre for its thoughtful and kind gesture when my mother was in the hospital.


Most of us have dental issues or know someone who is having challenges — whether the difficulties are financial in not being covered by a dental plan or finding access to dental service that fits your life.

Child care needed

In this economy, mothers are required to go to work and raise their children with even more care and attention than their own mothers had.

Colleges underfunded

As the people who work and teach in B.C.’s public post-secondary institutions, we experience first hand, every day, how government policy is failing students and families. It’s time for a change of direction.

Road woes

Well, I can hear that another winter has passed us by and folks are out enjoying the early spring weather.

Farewell Kristin

We have been with the Vernon Film Society for more than 30 years, and (former arts editor) Kristin Froneman has been a very good friend of our society for much of that time.

B.C.’s challenge

British Columbians will soon be facing a recurring political dilemma.

Flashing light is not enough

I beg to differ with Coun. Scott Anderson that “the grade of that road (Hospital Hill) is irrelevant” (to quote his statement) when trying to stop a highway tractor pulling two trailers, empty or loaded, in the best of conditions, let alone during winter conditions.

Arena parking

Much to my surprise, I read in the March 29 Morning Star that the required off-street parking at the expansion of Kal Tire Place is to be reduced from 917 to 658.

Sentence not enough

Lindsay Hauck is absolutely right when she says she feels let down by the verdict on the person who killed her colleague and friend while driving drunk.