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Climate concerns appreciated in North Okanagan

LETTER: conscientious about climate change but the media and governments are trying to get us on the rampage about things to cover up the major cause

I would like to thank Danica and Virginia for being conscientious about climate change. I am as well but the media and governments are trying to get us on the rampage about things to cover up the major cause. Danica is right, governments will do everything they can to keep the economy going and will not change course.

Electric vehicles and electrifying everything is not what I would call a good idea and stopping logging is not either. We must look at a way to make things work in all respects.

Logging. Just stop clear cutting and destroying everything. The old way of select logging is not quite as profitable at first glance but when all is considered is the only way.

An electric car is a horrible climate disaster like any vehicle when all is considered.

We don't have a carbon dioxide problem yet.

We have an ozone thinning problem. The heat wave now is ozone thinning.

Rockets, jet aircraft and chlorine products such as freon are thinning and making holes in our ozone. So every time you turn your air-conditioner on, think why it is so not.

Ken Caldwell, Lumby