I cannot believe that the Morning Star would allow the ''Greenwashing'' article to be published as it is little more than 'greenwashing' by the Greenies.
Instead of trying to fix the blame of the current warming cycle on man's actions during and since the Industrial Revolution, perhaps the author should explain why in prehistoric times, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories were part of a tropical forest. We have gone through global warming in 450 to 500 year cycles for thousands of years and although man's actions may have slightly exacerbated the current warming trend it is not the root cause.
A Californian professor published an article in the National Geographic a long time ago showing that his analysis of growth rings in fossilized trees showed that the rings were closer together in dry periods and that we have gone through the such warming periods as the present one for many thousands of years. He even predicted the problems they are having in the USA with drawing water off the Colorado River would happen as the agreement between the different states was based on one of the wettest periods-just look at Lake Meade for proof of that!
So please, enough of the 'greenwashing' by wet behind the ears ''Greenies' and a little bit more attention to what has happened over thousands of years.
Brian Sutch