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LETTER: Part-time problems

Vernon Morning Star reader speaks to cracks in long-term care

The letter “COVID-19 Reveals Cracks in Long-Term Care” (July 9) missed one essential point.

If part-time care workers need two jobs so as to earn a week’s wage, they increase the COVID-19 risk by working at two separate venues. But unfortunately this part-time economic thinking was started by the government!

By allowing organizations to employ part-timers without paying full benefits, businesses could save money – including government offices, schools, stores, hospitals, entertainment venues, restaurants and care homes.

Business taking advantage of this have been bitten by the very cash-saving they wanted – including care homes whose employees might shuttle from one infected hot-spot to another.

I know of at least one local care home that now refuses to employ anyone part-time, even though it costs more. Ultimately the so-called “Crack in Long-Term Care” is not the fault of the care-homes, but any government which supports business owners at the expense of low-income employees.

Jim Elderton
