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LETTER: Scottish Drag Queen ad leaves sour taste

Reader says “enough is enough”

Dear Editor,

In a day and age when free speech is being threatened by an excess of political correctness, I got quite a shock from an ad in Wednesday’s paper.

A half-page, full-colour ad for a play called God is a Scottish Drag Queen. As a Christian, I find this very offensive.

Imagine a play called Mohamed is a Saudi Drag Queen.

Would the Performing Arts Centre say yes to that play?

Would the Vernon Star have run such an ad?

I doubt it.

Here we are in a majority Christian country and we are afraid to use the word Christmas and God can be joked about.

Something is wrong here.

Time for us old stock Canadians to say, “enough is enough.”

Time to quit the “Happy Holidays” thing and give us the respect we deserve that at the moment seems to be reserved for newcomers.

Fay Hill,
