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LETTER: Up to us to demand better

Vernon resident tired of the empty promises and outright deceit delivered by election candidates

Silly season is upon us once again.

It's time for political parties to make promises they can’t keep while slinging as much mud as they can find towards their political rivals. 

The US has taken political mayhem to a whole new level by accepting alternative facts, believing that the head of a crime family is a man anointed by God to lead them to the promised land. Scant social programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Unemployment Insurance are on the chopping block at the expense of the poor and elderly while benefiting industry and the wealthy. These programs are funded by contributions from the participants as an insurance policy against unemployment, illness and a future of reduced income. Somehow, these programs, are purported to be an undeserved drain on the economy, aka industry and the wealthy.

As Canadians we aren’t immune from these anti social program factions we just aren’t as honest about it. We’ve got a federal political leader walking down a street bordered by multimillion dollar houses suggesting he has a plan to make these houses affordable to all. While I wish that were true, unless I can review this magic plan, I won’t count on it.

Closer to home we have the leader of the BC United party who claims he has a plan to solve our housing, homeless, healthcare, crime and toxic drug problems. It must be one heck of a plan!

These are huge problems – surely if someone has a plan which would remedy these issues, it should be shared with the governing party and the people of B.C.

If it’s a good plan the governing party will either implement it to everyone’s benefit or ignore it at their own peril.

Not supplying the details of the plan reduces it to an empty promise meant to scam us for our vote.

Most of our citizens have lost all trust and respect for our system of government.

We are tired of the empty promises and outright deceit delivered by our election candidates.

Why do the parties and candidates do this – because it works! 

In the end it is up to all of us to demand better. 

Ron Mickel