I am writing this letter to you so the public will know that we have a mayor who lacks leadership, financial responsibility and care for the citizens of Vernon.
On the financial side of this look at all the over-budget projects he has had, the high paid jobs in city hall.
In my mind he should cancel all major projects not required like the cultural centre (not even funded yet) and the ALC (why do we need two large pools when we are in a drought).
On caring for the residents of Vernon just take a look at your property taxes and tell me that you are getting what you paid for.
Now for leadership, well I applied for the senior’s position on the AHAC affordable housing advisory committee last year and got it.
I then went looking for information, well they have no minutes for the last meeting, in December 2023, no contact information for the chair or deputy chair.
Well I pestered one person who tried to help but could not. By the end of May there were no meetings planned (yet we have no affordable housing).
I then submitted my resignation from the committee to the mayor and one councillor who was on the committee that I knew and the only person to respond was the councillor.
If this does not show a lack of leadership well I feel sorry for you if have trouble making ends meet.
I know we have to live with him but, but lets make him accountable to us the electorate, send him letters, emails and comments in letters to the editor.
Garry Haas