In response to Jay Langton’s letter of Feb. 22 where he deftly defines fascism in his conclusion to the annual property tax extortion Vernon is once again foisting on its beleaguered tax base, my mother facetiously used the following to define government bodies in general: socialism – you have two cows and are forced to give one to your neighbour; communism – you have two cows, the government takes both and gives you the milk; fascism – you have two cows, the government takes both and shoots you; and democracy – you have two cows, the government buys both, shoots one, milks the other and throws the milk away.
Take your pick!
Vernon taxpayers simply can’t sustain continued increases to property and utility fees without discernible development to help share the load.
This is a time when the high cost of living is crushing a significant portion of the population of British Columbia.
As Jay implied, it might be time to put some of the more grandiose projects Vernon has planned aside and allow its residents to catch their financial breath.
Alan D. Wilson