An extra $3 million needed for the Greater Vernon Cultural Centre (GVCC) could see taxes rise 170 per cent.
The Regional District of North Okanagan is holding a special meeting today (Wednesday, Jan. 15) at 4 p.m. to deal with the 2025 budget.
Specifically for Greater Vernon Parks, Recreation and Culture (GVPRC) services, which the Cultural Centre falls under. It only applies to Vernon, Coldstream and Electoral Areas B and C which make up Greater Vernon.
"Staff have been diligent in its preparation of the 2025 proposed budget," the finance department's report reads. "Excluding the GVCC financial strategy, the overall property tax increase for all GVPRC services is 1.3 per cent."
The proposed budget represents an average 40.9 per cent tax increase for the average homeowner, an impact of approximately $92.
The GVCC design and construction costs are $4.7 million plus nearly $800,000 for land.
An update will be provided following the meeting.