As those for and against B.C.’s sexual orientation and gender identity curriculum continue to clash, advocates of the SOGI program have taken to social media to show their support.
#SOGIis4Me began trending on Twitter last weekend, with everyone from teachers to political candidates to parents speaking out.
I’m a Mum, educator and supporter of all youth #SOGIis4me
— Jen Marchbank (@DrJenMarchbank) September 30, 2018
Victoria trustee @Supportbced with a Surrey teacher who took the ferry to support #SOGI123 and safe schools for everyone! #SOGIis4me
— Victoria Teachers (@gvta) September 29, 2018
Also sending out Tweets were pastors from around B.C., pushing against an anti-SOGI campaign led by other pastors that’s gained more than 200 signatures over the past few days.
I’m a Christian Pastor who believes strongly that all God’s beloved and diverse and made in God’s-Image-exactly-as-they-are children should feel safe and loved! #SOGI123 #SOGIis4ME
— Shannon Tennant (@TennantShannon) September 29, 2018
I support safe and inclusive schools for *all* BC students. Not in spite of my faith, but because of it. #SOGIis4me #lovewins #loveislouder
— Rachael Wagner (@EmoRachael) September 29, 2018
I am a grandmother and Christian pastor. I support safe and inclusive schools for *all* BC students -- Not in spite of my faith, but because of it.
— Vida Jaugelis ن (@Vida_Jay) September 30, 2018
Learn more here - | #SOGI123 #SOGIis4me #diversityisGodscreation #DeltaBC @christineeboyle #myelcic
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