Coldstream council will be debating the enaction of a new bylaw at the upcoming Monday, June 12 council meeting.
Dubbed the wildlife feeding and attractant regulation bylaw, staff has recommenced to pass it.
If enacted, the bylaw will make it illegal for people to feed, or attempt to feed, any wildlife, or provide, leave or place an attractant in, on or about any land where they are, with the intent of attracting any wildlife.
An attractant refers to food or food waste, including a carcass, compost other than grass clippings, leaves or branches along with grease, oil antifreeze, paint and petrol products.
Every owner or occupier of property must ensure that any refuse containers must be set out for collection only on the designated day between 5 a.m and 7 p.m and be removed by collection by 7 p.m. on the designated day.
If one is found to have contravened the bylaw, a fine of up to $10,000 could be enforced.
The new bylaw has been made as a way to discourage and prevent wildlife from accessing food sources generated or controlled by human activity to minimize human-wildlife interactions, to the greatest extent possible, and help wildlife populations thrive in the wild.
For the full information on the bylaw, click here. The council meeting takes place at 6 p.m.
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