An architect is in place to draw it, and now a general contractor has been named to build Vernon’s new Active Living Centre.
Vancouver-based Clark Builders has been chosen to provide general contractor services, joining the architectural firm of Group2 Architecture Interior Design Ltd., which has five offices across Canada.
Clark Builders offers proven experience and familiarity with IPD ideologies, methodologies, and mindset, with green construction experience. The Clark team will leverage experienced practitioners and net zero subject matter experts to deliver maximum value to the City of Vernon’s ALC project.
The Clark Builders team also takes pride in being a leading contractor of recreation facilities having completed more than 50 recreational projects in the last 20 years equaling nearly three million square feet.
“We are excited to be selected as the general contractor for the new Active Living Centre. Clark Builders is a community builder focused on maximizing value to owners through lean delivery practices,” said Scott Benoit, director, project development, for Clark. “We join with the City of Vernon in the work ahead to design and construct a facility that will enhance the well-being of citizens, the public, and communities.”
The IPD process combines the collective experience of owner, architect and general contractor perspectives to optimize outcomes.
Integrated Project Delivery background
An important aspect of IPD is that the model merges all parties into a single shared multi-party contract. It transforms the traditional Design-Bid-Build, low bid, change order, adversarial relationship, into one that is team focused and value added, encouraging behaviors that lead to exceptional project performance and value.
IPD merges the owner, architect, general contractor, and trade partners early on, to form a team that together conducts a validation phase. The validation phase is conducted over approximately four months and project partners together perform preliminary design, intensive cost estimating, and agree upon a target cost to owner for the project.
This process delivers the kind of detailed and committed budget certainty early on that the City of Vernon requires for this high-profile project.
A Multi-Category RFP (Request For Proposals) for consultant services for the ALC project is in progress and closes on June 28 with Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Structural partners expected to be awarded in early August.
Procurement for the remaining IPD Partners (major trades) will be released via RFP in the coming weeks.
The city’s IPD team, recreation services staff, and representatives from Group2 Architects recently completed a facilities tour in the Lower Mainland to gain inspiration for the design process, learn from other facility operators’ successes and hear about what other communities would change about their facilities if they could.
A second tour of Alberta recreation facilities is being planned for the future and will include Clark Builders and other IPD partners.
For more information visit the new Active Living Centre project website at
Citizens are invited to visit the website to receive ongoing updates about the project, including details about when and how they can offer feedback on the design of the facility. The website content will be expanded as more information becomes available.
READ MORE: Architects ready to draw up Vernon Active Living Centre
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