The Vernon School District wants the community to weigh in on budget deliberations during an online presentation next week.
The presentation on School District 22 finances is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 26 at 5:30 p.m.
The school district’s annual budget includes $120 million in expenditures. The budget provides for everything the district needs to educate its 8,700 students, including classroom and specialist teachers, education assistants, bus drivers and all the people, buildings and infrastructure needed to support the educational team.
The school district may have a funding shortfall of about $1.7 million which will need to be addressed next school year.
“To put that amount in context, we spend about $600,000 for every day of instruction in the school district,” Supt. Christine Perkins said, adding it’s too early to say what impact any shortfall may have.
It’s anticipated the board will need to use reserve funds from previous years to balance the budget. Increased costs from wage increases and inflation are also expected going into next year.
“Many people in our community are passionate about education and are keen to ensure the school district spends our education money wisely. This presentation is an opportunity for you to learn how much funding the school district receives, and how the board chooses to allocate that funding,” said secretary-treasurer Adrian Johnson, who will be hosting the session.
Johnson will seek questions and input from participants at the end of the presentation. The school district will also provide an online forum after the meeting to seek written feedback.
“We want our students to receive the education the community wants them to receive. We need informed input from you to achieve that. Please take the time to attend this presentation,” urged board chair Gen Acton.
Perkins said prioritizing what to do with the limited funding available to the school district is “easier and more effective” when staff know what the community wants.
The link to attend the meeting is available on the school district’s website.
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