With construction underway, new renderings of Vernon's Active Living Centre (ALC) have been released, giving the public a better idea of what the facility will look like.
New colours and designs for the inside of the ALC have been provided to council, including the all-gender changing room and new slide.
Additionally, project managers Doug Ross and Chris Sheel assured council that they are currently on track for a fall of 2026 opening, and on budget.
"Costs will not exceed $135,941,009," said Ross and Sheel.
The ALC is also looking to recoup some of costs through sponsorship opportunities.
Donations of amenities, such as gifts, along with naming rights for individual spaces inside the ALC is being pursued by the project team.
The Okanagan Indian Band community has also been engaged and discussions are underway on what cultural representations could look like.
Construction began in April and bulk excavation for the basement is complete along with new illustrations detailing what the new pool and spaces will look like.
The ALC project has been in the cards since 2017, although the budget of the project had ballooned, with an initial price tag of $121 million that was approved by referendum in 2022.
According to Vernon Mayor Victor Cumming, the difference ($15 million) will be covered by the city through investments and available funds.