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Playing by the rules

Hard-working Canadians who contribute to the system and play by the rules deserve government benefits such as Old Age Security (OAS). The purpose of the OAS program, consisting of the OAS basic pension, the GIS and the Allowances, provides income support to Canadian seniors and is meant as a measure of partial income security in recognition of the contributions seniors have made to Canadian society, the economy and their communities.
Crosswalk lessons revisited

Crosswalk lessons revisited

I know the time for New Year's Resolutions has passed. In fact, if you made one, you've likely broken it by now. But I would like to suggest a resolution it appears most of Vernon needs. Now, repeat after me: "I resolve to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks."

Give kids a sporting chance

With childhood obesity rates reaching alarming levels, parents across the country are frantically scrambling to pry their kids away from their iPods and computer screens to engage in more active lifestyles.

Separation anxiety

I’ve never really been one of those parents who clings to their child, unable to trust anyone to watch them.

Councils off mark on smoking

What do local politicians consider a priority if health and the environment don’t make the list?

POLICING in spotlight

I believe we are most fortunate, on a world scale, of having a police force, the calibre of the RCMP, for which we have always held a great respect and pride. However, recent negative conduct has shaken the faith of many and been unworthy of the vast majority of its members, past and current. We have every right to the guarantee that a member's conduct be above reproach and any miscreants be weeded out.

There’s no app for that

Sue wanted me to go out and shovel the snow off of her car so she could get to work. It seems awfully old-fashioned in this high-tech age that either of us should actually have to leave the house -- her to go to work, me to shovel snow. Isn’t there an app for that? I guess not.

Olympic flame still burns

It’s hard to fathom that it was a year ago that the world arrived on B.C.’s doorstep for the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Apple growers treated unfairly

A year ago at this time, Okanagan orchardists were bleeding red ink because the cost of production outstripped the price of apples. Government was urged to help, but nothing of substance ever materialized.

A close shave

Most men do it, and most men loathe it. I’m not exactly sure why that is the case with shaving, but you hear guys grumble about it all the time.