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Amphitheatre opposed

Residents have concerns about outdoor performance area in Coldstream

We have discussed this amphitheatre proposal and we should learn from the past in planning the future.

We were one of the first to build on the hillside south of the Kickwillie, and it was just an open grass hillside, but was promoted as a preferred real estate development. The syndicate selling the property requested that buyers not do or build anything that would conflict with the view or the preferred nature of the property.

In our knowledge, putting something on clay land and base is a questionable action.  This proposed amphitheatre at full capacity would put many tons of weight on a relatively small surface. After several years, this slope could start sliding down towards Kickwillie Loop.

From what we've read of other big shows such as rock concerts in Merrit and the fireworks show in Vancouver,tons of garbage and paper are left behind, and we are not looking forward to picking this up off our backyard. Would the promoter, want this in her backyard and pick up what is left  behind?

Parking will be a major problem with a major proposal like this, of about 5,500 people. Is there a need for this large a facility? The Okanagan Symphony, which is excellent for its size, has had trouble filling the Peforming Arts Centre.  Likewise, North Okanagan Community Concerts and they have been operational for years. On the few times a year the Kal Tire Centre is full, every parking spot is used. This proposal anticipates twice that number, so parking will be a very major problem.

The streets in the residential area are narrow lanes not suitable for on-street parking and the shoulders are not improved. We would expect any parking south and east of the Kickwillie would provide concerns for emergency vehicle use. We will expect Coldstream council to prohibit any street parking south and east of the college.

Another major problem is sound distribution. We expect the proponents will get engineers who will say it is not a  problem and it will really just go out into the lake. Our knowledge is that sound travels on air waves. When Funtastic has its concerts on the west side of the army camp, we don't hear it if  the breeze is flowing to the west. Otherwise, we hear it quite clearly but only two nights a year. Our point is that the wind or breeze  is frequently changing with the sound going accordingly. In the evening, it does change direction several times and could do so during a concert.

We will not vote for any politician or councillor who supports this proposal in any way at this location.

In brief, we are totally opposed to this project at this location. However, there are several other sites we can think of and suggest.

Why not consider placing this on the east end of the University of B.C. Okanagan just above Highway 97.  The noise and parking shouldn't affect the airport and the project could be connected with the music department of UBCO.

Another location would be near Kal Tire Place where there is much room for parking and much accommodation nearby.

From what we've read, the project approach to this development has been almost dictatorial with not wanting any local input. It won't be welcomed as far as many citizens are concerned and we hope the promoters will welcome and listen to the local people who will be very affected by this project.

Aubrey and Bev Reed
