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Canada and its climate change addiction: Vernon letter

It needs reminding that Canada’s total emissions equate to that from a single year of China’s growth in energy production

It’s hard to ignore the unending stream of submissions in this publication about climate change.

I’m not singling out the Vernon Morning Star as this narrative permeates the country’s education systems, mainstream media, social media and political discourse.

Almost without exception those who don’t support pushes for bans on hydrocarbons coupled with fealty to David Suzuki, Stephen Guilbeault, the Sierra Club, Greenpeace et al are branded as climate or science deniers.

This unquestioning loyalty and worship parallels several past so-called religious organizations which have co-opted followers to their ends.

Canada’s elected representatives, our cult champions, seem oblivious that they are taking citizens into deeper deprivation with punitive measures which deny us the rewards of a rich resource endowment.

Meanwhile the rest of the globe could care less what we do.

It needs reminding that Canada’s total emissions equate to that from a single year of China’s growth in energy production.

There’s more.

In 2022 Canada’s exports to China amounted to $25 billion. The big ticket items were coal, crude oil, and iron/copper ore.

On the other hand we imported over $65 billion in manufactured products.

Clap all you like about our country’s emissions reductions. One can’t however ignore that we’ve simply moved our energy intensive industries to China which builds two new coal fired power stations per week.

We’ve effectively gifted our economic future to China.

Canadians are trapped in an echo chamber.

There is so much more I’d like to say but I am space limited.

I will therefore only address a recent submission by Jane Weixl who cited BC LNG for inappropriately claiming that LNG reduces emissions. She argues that it is an example of ‘greenwashing.’ Perhaps if Ms. Weixl would take the time she would learn that LNG from Canada will, without question, be regassified in Asia and displace thermal coal burning electric plants.

I can provide a more detailed explanation of how CH4 reacts with O2 to produce heat in comparison with lignite. One of the two is vastly more efficient.

I will leave that for your readers to explore.

Ken Topolinsky