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Cherryville and electoral boundaries make no sense

LETTER: Split the job rather than the geographic region

Cherryville residents alienated, reads Oct. 10 Vernon Morning Star. 

One can understand why when the electoral boundaries are checked.  

Cherryville is obviously part of the North Okanagan and nothing to do with Nakusp, a distant alien to the east.

Instead of the contrived configurations of the new electoral boundaries in our area, which divide naturally associated neighbours such as Vernon, Coldstream,  Lumby and Cherryville, could we have an innovative solution?

If our population has grown too large to be a single riding, is there not a better solution than splitting things up weirdly, such that two parts of a riding (Vernon and Lumby) are separated by Coldstream, which is in a different one? 

This evokes memories of East and West Pakistan, separated by a chunk of India.

My suggestion would be a single riding of North Okanagan to include Vernon, Coldstream, Lumby, Cherryville and possibly as far south as Winfield; to elect and be represented by two MLAs. 

Split the job rather than the geographic region.

Anthony Walter,