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Letter: Looking beyond technology for homelessness help

We see plenty every day on these pages and elsewhere about affordable housing and drug use.

We see plenty every day on these pages and elsewhere about affordable housing, drug use, and general matters of public well being.

No one can argue that action needs to be taken, and indeed, much is being done with kudos to those responsible. However, I feel a part of the discussion is being missed or avoided.

Within my working lifetime, we have seen an unprecedented advance in many facets of technology. This has made it possible to do amazing things in medicine, production, innovation, and safety to name a few. That is the good side and it is certainly laudable. The other side is that we now have a very complex, stressful, complicated world, where the workplace bears absolutely no resemblance to one of 50 years ago.

Unfortunately, not everyone is cut out to fit into this mould, and it is unreasonable to expect them to. Specialized post-secondary education has its place in looking after some of this, but do all graduates find decent jobs afterwards? We also need to remember that during this same advance in technology, we have seen far more jobs than the technology has been able to create leave this country never to return.

In short, we need some way to create jobs of a more simple nature for the homeless and street people who are capable of holding a job.

Cam Clayton