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Letter: Referendum mass confusion

How can a mailout referendum be honest?

On Oct. 17, 2018, I received a booklet on the referendum and electoral reform.

I’ll have to or should vote on this between Oct. 22 and Nov. 2, 2018, as I only have 10 days to decide, I have some concerns.

As of today, I have not received any voting package. And, why do they want this changed?

Who can vote: How can a mailout referendum be honest? eg: No longer in Canada, deceased, etc.

What is the referendum about:

1. First Past the Post: (The way we have voted)

2. Proportional Representation: (Is this the provinces with the most votes wins?)

3. Dual-Member Proportional: (I don’t know)

4. Mixed-Member Proportional: I don’t know)

5. Rural-Urban Proportional: (I don’t know)

All of this is very confusing on the voting cards and I feel there is too much room for error.

After the referendum:

* It seems the Legislative Committee will determine how some aspects of the system will work.

* We have 87 MLAs now and a new system we could have up to 95.

I am an 80-year-old senior and my pension has not kept up with the cost of living. I’m not sure, but over 15 years it may have increased $10.

We don’t need more MLAs or government bureaucracy.

Think carefully and be sure to vote.

Marie Bradley