If you know and say the truth about planet health, climate change, ocean acidification, loss of oxygen in the ocean, rising ocean water level, environmental degradation, overuse of finite resources, and you describe correctly today’s monetary cost of survival on Earth, you will be called an alarmist by Tories and Liberals.
In fact, Justin Trudeau, by passing the pipeline torch to go, is actually committing a crime according to the Klima Report written for the Copenhagen accord in 2008.
Fossil fuel burning has to be stopped. It’s that simple.
Now wouldn’t it be neat if everyone could comprehend that this fact is a positive fact? The United Nations does.
But it’s viewed in our awesome wealthy country as a negative — alarmist, anti- Tory/Liberal platform.
Now here is the thing, the sun will better manage Gaia’s surface if we just help do it right now.
This can make power beyond wind, tidal, solar and so forth. It’s found within a farmer’s paradise utilizing the carbon fixing attribute of plants. The carbon is sequestered from plants, with mankind brilliance called pyrolysis flame. We are talking jobs, real jobs.
Any politician thinking himself a good and proper community-serving citizen, better get the learning about protecting human health, which ironically would be by protecting planet health.
Bottom line, respect Gaia. Respect the Earth.
I have a hunch that certain money, greed, power, financial, short term, and in it for the wrong reasons politicians have been breathing coal dust for far too long.
Pass a look on the information highway and learn biochar 101.
Christopher Columbus did, long before the information highway arrived. He saw what they learned 8,000 years ago. Will we?
David R. Derbowka