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Vernon city hall criticized

Does Vernon city council play favourites?

Does Vernon city council play favourites?

People like to believe that in a dispute between groups of people over a project, that council would try to look for a suitable compromise that would benefit both sides. But this does not seem to be the case with our present council.

At a recent rezoning public meeting, council approved the rezoning to allow a large, four-storey complex on a small lot on 27th Avenue despite numerous submissions by all other home owners in the area opposing the rezoning.

This is a large building on a small lot and there are no other buildings of that size and height in this part of the city. The impact on the neighbourhood will be severe. But city council, in its infinite wisdom refused, to look at any alternate solutions.

There are lots of properties around, many even owned by the city, that would be more suitable for this size of building. But council decided that the concerns of area residents, mostly seniors, were not important.

Most members of council did not even bother to come and see what the concerns were despite many requests. I wonder how quick council would have compromised if the building was to be built, towering over their backyards within 20 feet of their fence?

This will not be a good area for most councillors to come looking for votes in the next civic election. There are two exceptions.

Gerry Manley
