I used to own cats and loved taking them outside when I was out for a while. Then when I was done they went back in when I did.
In one place we lived in B.C. there were 27 cats in a three-block area. So guess what? Didn't take long before all the birds were gone except for our backyard.
They knew they could come and eat in peace. I felt sorry for the baby birds the most. They are so vulnerable when they fall out of the tree and can't fly. But even if they could fly to get away, the cats can jump so high and catch them in mid-air.
People complain about dogs that they crap on in their yard and the worst is when they are a lazy poopy picker-upper wherever they go.
When people let their cats out they like to crap or pee in your veggie and flower garden. If it's a male and not fixed, look out for your doors or other things they like marking the territory.
Most dogs can not climb trees. Cats can climb the trees and go after the baby birds in the nest.
Dogs have to be licensed, but cats don't have to.
You hear people saying: My cat hasn't come home for a while. Then they get to wondering if they're coyote food. Well, we hear them yipping at night sometimes when they are on the hunt. We say: poor cat. If it was only kept at home and they had a "cattery" for them, then you wouldn't be wondering if they got eaten, in a bad catfight or got in a brutal breeding.
So please have some respect for your cats, and neighbours and protect our fast-declining birds that are being killed by the thousands.
Wendy Aulenback