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Spring funding round opens for community-level salmon projects

Spring funding round opens for community-level salmon projects

Pacific Salmon Foundation’s program injects $1.5 million annually to local conservation and science
B.C. salmon restoration projects get $4-million boost

B.C. salmon restoration projects get $4-million boost

Provincial, federal funding allocated under British Columbia Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund
Build a better blue economy through responsible aqauaculture

Build a better blue economy through responsible aqauaculture

Commercial fishers argue for sector’s continued innovation
Female orcas less likely to feed in presence of vessel traffic: study

Female orcas less likely to feed in presence of vessel traffic: study

Research the southern resident population raises concerns over reproduction capacity
B.C.’s freshwater stocking program complete despite pandemic challenges

B.C.’s freshwater stocking program complete despite pandemic challenges

Program’s success comes amid huge spike in new freshwater fishing licences
New laws would cement DFO accountability to depleted fish stocks

New laws would cement DFO accountability to depleted fish stocks

Three B.C. salmon stocks first in line for priority attention under proposed regulations
B.C. researchers identify new tool to trace salmon at sea

B.C. researchers identify new tool to trace salmon at sea

UBC study could help fisheries managers pair specific stocks to unique climatic challenges
Coast Guard ramps up protections for B.C. whales

Coast Guard ramps up protections for B.C. whales

First-ever Marine Mammal Desk will enhance cetacean reporting and enforcement
Alaska demands action on B.C.’s ‘lax’ mining oversight

Alaska demands action on B.C.’s ‘lax’ mining oversight

The state worries about impacts on fish habitat in Northwest transboundary watersheds
Scientists worry B.C. hatchery fish threatening endangered wild chinook

Scientists worry B.C. hatchery fish threatening endangered wild chinook

Latest assessments identify more southern populations at risk of extinction