The goats may be small, but their influence is unmatched.
Practice breathing, stretching, and being present, while in the company of our very curious, agile and friendly resident Nigerian Dwarf goats as Yoga with Goats returns to the Historic O’Keefe Ranch.
“Oh my goodness, it’s my new favourite class,” instructor Jennifer Greenwood said. “I’ve not done it before (and) it’s awesome. I have to say the goats are so sweet. They get you to giggle.”
The goats, which are on loan from Taylorside Farms, are friendly and humorous. They interact with the participants and are curious about the class. They are not shy and will often find their way onto the mats and surprise the participants by snuggling up to them or with a lick on the arm.
There also are several other animals to see and interact with at the Ranch, including a Zebu Cow, peacocks, horses and a donkey named Flapjack.
The one-hour class is $20 per person and includes regular admission to the O’Keefe Ranch. Classes run every Wednesday and Saturday in June at 11 a.m.
Beginners are welcome and children are permitted with the company of a guardian. Please bring your own yoga mat or towel. In case of rain, the session will be moved from the grass to the pavilion. Pre-registration is required as space is limited.
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