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School bus delivers Easter surprise to Enderby students

Staff at Shihiya School delivered 70 Easter gifts to students along with at-home education packages
Shihaya School secretary Selena Fletcher and head teacher Reidun Kopp load up 70 Easter gifts from Vernon Teach and Learn for students stuck at home due to COVID-19. (Brendan Shykora - Morning Star)

Staff members at Enderby’s Shihiya School played the role of Easter Bunny on Good Friday.

School secretary Selena Fletcher, head teacher Reidun Kopp and bus driver Al Bateman picked up 70 Easter baskets from Vernon Teach and Learn to be delivered to their students with the help of other staff members Friday, April 10.

The baskets—shaped like large ice cream cones and filled with chocolate eggs, books, stickers and other goodies —were delivered along with home education packages for the students while classrooms remain closed due to COVID-19.

“We’re a small school so it’s nice to be able to be connected with our families, and we know that’s probably the last thing on their mind right now is trying to figure out what they’re going to do for Easter,” Kopp said

The 70 ice cream cones were enough to cover all 48 Shihiya students along with their siblings.

School closures have posed challenges for students, parents and educators, who now have to find ways to continue the learning process at home.

It’s challenging,” Kopp said. “Lots of our families aren’t connected or don’t have technology, so we’re sending home paper packages as well as connecting, and then we’re looking at the next step for supporting families that don’t have connectivity and how we can still continue to reach them.”

READ MORE: Easter Bunny not a COVID-19 carrier, allowed to do drop offs

WATCH: Easter festivities may be scaled back, but it can still be a fun holiday

Brendan Shykora
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Brendan Shykora

About the Author: Brendan Shykora

I started at the Morning Star as a carrier at the age of 8. In 2019 graduated from the Master of Journalism program at Carleton University.
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