Animals will benefit when commuters take a Uride Thursday.
The driving service is donating 10 per cent of all ride fares on Jan. 25 to animal centres.
Locally, the Okanagan Humane Society has been chosen for the Ride For A Reason initiative.
The donation not only benefits animals directly but also encourages potential pet owners to consider adopting from shelters, contributing to the reduction of homeless animals in the long run.
In an effort to offer additional support, Uride has also partnered with chosen animal centers to cover the adoption fee for a featured animal at each location, at
“Last year, I found a cat wandering the street in a terrible condition,” said Uride CEO Cody Ruberto. “I took the cat home, wiped open its eyes that had been sealed shut, gave it food and water, and watched it spring back to life. Afterwards, I helped find a family that could take great care of it. I still consider that experience a personal highlight of 2023.
“Animals deserve kindness, and we’re happy to play a role in supporting local organizations that find these animals homes and long-term families.”
Uride hopes that by donating to, and recognizing, these animal organizations, that other businesses and community members will be inspired to do the same.
The Kamloops BC-SPCA, Paws It Forward, South Okanagan/Similkameen BC-SPCA and Okanagan Humane Society are some of the B.C. recipients.
READ MORE: Kindness meters fund disbursement postponed
READ MORE: Keep cats warm: Okanagan volunteers help build outdoor shelters