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Vernon perfect getaway for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, mayor says

Family-oriented community also home to Royal interests; film and helicopter industries

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are looking to lay their roots in Canada — at least part-time.

Many are speculating British Columbia will be the No. 1 pick for the Royal couple, but where, exactly, is a question that remains unanswered.

Vernon has a lot to offer Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, Mayor Victor Cumming said.

“As we know, the Duke and Duchess are new parents and Vernon is a great community for young families,” Mayor Victor Cumming said. “This city has the convenience of urban amenities, while still offering a relaxed pace and balanced lifestyle.”

Vernon, known as a four-season destination playground, offers an abundance of hiking and biking trails throughout Ellison, Kalamalka Lake and Silver Star Provincial Parks.

It is also home to three world-class resorts, ski and snowshoe trails, wellness activities and so much more.

The Science Centre, Allan Brooks Nature Centre and an abundance of community arts programs offer fantastic learning opportunities for baby Archie and his Royal parents.

“But what may catch the couple’s attention the most is Vernon’s substantial helicopter industry and the local film industry which is continuing to grow,” Mayor Cumming said.

“Some of their biggest interests are located right here in the North Okanagan,” he said about Markle, who starred in the popular television show Suits, and the career helicopter pilot Prince.

Privacy is of utmost importance for the Royal couple, and a driving reason behind the move in the first place.

The mayor said Vernon has become a favourite getaway for many celebrities.

“We have seen a number of well-known individuals and families come to this area, spend some time enjoying the region and no one has bothered them while they’ve relaxed and reconnected with their loved ones.”

“This is a place of choice,” Mayor Cumming said. “We have the activities, quick access to an international airport and something to do for everyone.”

READ MORE: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle on the move… to Kelowna?

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