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Mechanical issues postpone WWII plane’s landing in Kelowna

KF Aerospace to update new arrival time
Classic WWII-era plane joining cast of classic crafts

The World War II-era de Havilland 98 Mosquito that was to touch down at Kelowna International Airport on Monday will not take place.

Due to mechanical issues, the Mosquito’s flight to Kelowna has been postponed.

Also known as the “Wooden Wonder”, the plane was to make KF Aerospace Centre for Excellence its new home, to celebrate the 78th anniversary of D-Day.

Debuting with the British Royal Air Force in 1941, the “Mossie” served as a night fighter, reconnaissance plane, and bomber in the Allied effort.

KF Aerospace will be updating with rescheduling as soon as the mechanical issues are solved.


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Jen Zielinski

About the Author: Jen Zielinski

I graduated from the broadcast journalism program at BCIT. I also hold a bachelor of arts degree in political science and sociology from Thompson Rivers University. I was also a reporter for Castanet and CBC. I am a volunteer with Okanagan Humane Society.
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