Barb Brown wanted to be involved in her husband’s jam session in Canim Lake.
But instead of picking up an instrument, she grabbed her sketchbook. What materialized was a series of life drawings and portraits of her husband Dennis and the other musicians.
“No drawings are from photos, they’re all done from life,” Brown said. “I always tried to draw someone into their music who wasn’t aware of me.”
Her selection of sketches, titled It’s Practice, Over and Over Again, are on display at the Showcase Gallery. They include a variety of styles and mediums such as graphite pencils, coloured chalk and pastels.
Brown has added rough samples and finished sketches to demonstrate what a life drawing entails.
Although she did hundreds of sketches, she chose the ones that she felt best captured the spirit of the music jam.
The show is on display until early September. The gallery is located at the South Cariboo Business Centre, open 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays and 8:30 a.m. to noon on Saturdays.