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Popularity of Vernon Museum event prompts part two

Doctrine of Discovery and impacts on Indigenous people explored

A look into truth and reconciliation has attracted a lot of interest, enough to repeat the study at the Museum and Archives of Vernon (MAV).

The museum recently launched its Learn + Connect series, a free online program that aims to investigate and discuss the impacts of colonialism throughout history and up to the current day.

The first session was focused on the devastating impacts of the Doctrine of Discovery which informed Canada’s earliest European explorers, and continues to profoundly – and negatively – impact Indigenous people today.

“We had close to 100 people register for this first session,” program coordinator Amy Timleck said. “Feedback on the program was positive, and many participants wanted to engage more on this topic, so we’ve added a session to keep the discussion going.”

MAV is inviting people to a second session around the Doctrine of Discovery to explore themes around land theft, genocide and personal responsibility towards reconciliation.

“We went into our first event without an agenda, and it created this amazing space for some really candid dialogue,” said Timleck. “We’re hoping that having a more formal structure in smaller discussion groups will allow participants to go deeper and perhaps even have actionable items to walk away with.”

The next Doctrine of Discovery event is online Feb. 3 at 7 p.m. Register at

READ MORE: Online Vernon Museum series explores truth and reconciliation

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Jennifer Smith

About the Author: Jennifer Smith

20-year-Morning Star veteran
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