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Letter: North Okanagan-Shuswap MP asked to answer for Conservative party’s response to blockades

Since 1993 we’ve paid conservative MPs a lot of tax dollars to represent this riding.

Since 1993 we’ve paid conservative MPs a lot of tax dollars to represent this riding.

For example, in just over six years, Mel Arnold has pocketed over $1 million in salary, and if he resigned today he would collect over $700k in pension by his early 80s (Taxpayers Federation of Canada data).

Given this, it seems reasonable to ask MP Arnold to account for his party’s actions during the national crisis that started with the truckers’ protest. We all won’t be happy with his explanation but we all deserve to know why the Conservative Party supported illegal blockades that included hate groups and protesters who wanted to replace our democratically elected government.

The interim leader’s leaked email also showed Conservatives were willing to put their interests ahead of Canada’s by prolonging the Ottawa occupation.

Conservative MPs certainly didn’t look like “a government in waiting” during the blockades as they engaged in dangerous and irresponsible behaviour.

Given our long and expensive relationship with the Conservative party, Mr. Arnold owes us some answers.

Read more: Trudeau denounces ‘hateful rhetoric’ at Ottawa trucker protest, won’t meet with convoy

Read more: Alberta-based Maverick party denies involvement in fund raising for ‘freedom convoy’

Barbara Cousins

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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