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LETTER: Photos of goats bring joy amid pandemic

To the editor:

To the editor:

We could all use a laugh or a smile right now in this overwhelming time.

It is my opinion that exposing myself to natural colours, music and pictures bring together and pull each other up, in hope and purpose. If you know something share it with people,is my saying — share something good.

I was driving in the country and came across this scene — see the photos attached. They show goats of staying focused with no fear, anxiety or stress. Notice how these animals with their wisdom to discern, of each other.

True beauty in utility of connecting.

They have no wings, they cannot soar. But they have feet to scale and climb. Perhaps they are teaching us to see the way we should see these trying times of darkness, fear and despair.

Songs that personally lift me are songs by pumping piano player Jerry Lee Lewis, Great Balls of Fir, Breathless, High School Confidentia, Whole Lot of Shakin’ Going On.

In a song or a picture from beginning to end, one feels the heart of life, from earth’s loosened mould.

Life is real! Life is earnest! Fear, anxiety and stress is not it’s goal. Let us then be up and doing helping each other. Wind, rain, snow and sleet will not see us shrink away from anxiety, fear and stress created by a virus.

On our lips lets play a smile with realms of love that wings our soul beyond the sky.

— Ed R.R. Witzke,
