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3 bears breaking into garbage at Silver Star near Vernon

Residents reminded they live in bear country, and to secure attractants
A bear pulls trash out of an open garbage container, despite warning signs, at SilverStar Mountain Resort. (Silver Star Bear Stewardship video still)

Despite warnings, residents continue to leave garbage out, attracting bears to the area.

“There are at least three adult bears finding food rewards at Silver Star,” the Silver Star Bear Stewardship reports. “They have learned from poor waste management that there is food to be found.”

The group caught a bear on video climbing inside a garbage bin and pulling out bags of trash.

The garbage bin lids were left open despite several warnings posted on the bin.

The Stewardship group offers the following tips to residents:

1. Your garbage is not secure if it is on your deck. Bears are excellent climbers.

2. If containers are left unlocked, a bear will enter it.

3. Wood is not bear proof as bears will chew it apart.

4. If you leave food in your car, expect to find a bear in it.

5. If garbage is left outside for more than an hour, expect a bear will find it. They can smell food that is up to 20 kilometres away.

“If you choose to live in bear country, there will be bears.”

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