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VITAL VERNON: Candidates and Community Issues

Where do the candidates stand on a range of critical community issues?
Community Foundations across the country are proud to encourage civic engagement in an unbiased, non-partisan way.

In preparation for the Vernon civic election Oct. 15, the Community Foundation North Okanagan wants to support civic engagement by encouraging people to VOTE, and to learn more about the community and its leaders.

As a part of the Foundation’s Vital Signs program and report, it has examined the important issues affecting North Okanagan citizens and the region, in these five critical areas: environmental, social, cultural, economic and health. A group of volunteers who have extensive knowledge in the issue areas identified have researched and prepared thought-provoking questions to pose to the regional candidates.

Concern over the impact of climate change is an emerging focus in municipal elections throughout the province. The Vital Vernon questionnaire is inviting responses from candidates to share their personal views and plans for climate action. The Foundation wants to know what candidates think is urgent to achieving the goals of Vernon’s ambitious new Climate Action Plan.

The Community Foundation of North Okanagan encourages you to check out, designed to help the public get to know candidates’ views in five critical issue areas that directly impact the quality of life for all North Okanagan residents.
The Community Foundation of North Okanagan encourages you to check out, designed to help the public get to know candidates’ views in five critical issue areas that directly impact the quality of life for all North Okanagan residents.

Other province-wide topics in B.C. include municipal responses to the housing and toxic drug supply crises. We’ll be seeking responses from candidates on what they believe is the municipality’s role in addressing proper access to mental and physical health treatment.

The Foundation encourages you to check out the website, which will feature candidate responses on Sept. 23. They look forward to helping the public get to know the views of each candidate in five critical issue areas that directly impact the quality of life for all North Okanagan residents.

This initiative is powered by a group of volunteers that developed the candidate questionnaire in consultation with local champions in the environmental, social, cultural, economic, and health sectors. We are pleased to share these responses with the community.

Please visit to stay informed prior to the election and please go vote on October 15, 2022.