A firm with five offices across the country has been picked to design Vernon’s Active Living Centre.
Group2 Architecture Interior Design Ltd. – with offices in Calgary, Red Deer, Edmonton, Saskatoon and Ottawa – has been selected to provide architect services for the facility that is slated to be built at Kin Race Track.
“Group2 brings more than a decade of Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) experience and extensive experience designing similar recreation facilities to Vernon’s IPD process,” said Doug Ross, manager, project program. “The company was chosen following a thorough review and interview process of respondents to the city’s Request for Proposals (RFP). We are looking forward to working with Group2, and thank everyone who submitted a proposal to offer architect services for the project.”
The city’s IPD team and representatives from Group2 will begin touring facilities in other communities next week in the Lower Mainland to gain inspiration for the design process, learn from other facility operators’ successes and hear about what other communities would change about their facilities if they could.
“We are extremely excited to have been selected as a partner in developing such an important and impactful project as the Active Living Centre,” said Craig Webber, principal, Group2. “We look forward to engaging collaboratively with the City of Vernon, a diverse group of construction partners and interested parties to create an amazing facility for the community.”
An RFP for general contractor services for the Active Living Centre closed on May 12 and the successful contractor is expected to be awarded in early June. Procurement for the remaining IPD Partners (consultants and major trades) will be released via RFP in the coming weeks.
In addition to the architect services announcement, the city is excited to release its new Active Living Centre project website, www.vernonalc.ca.
Citizens are invited to visit the website to receive ongoing updates about the project, including details about when and how they can offer feedback on the design of the facility. The website content will be expanded as more information becomes available.
Public engagement on the design phase of the project is expected to take place between June and December of this year.
You can learn more about the IPD process at vernonalc.ca.
You can also follow the City of Vernon on its social media channels, using the handle @cityofvernon on Facebook and Instagram.
READ MORE: Process evolving for construction of Vernon’s Active Living Centre
READ MORE: UPDATE: Vernon affords city new active living centre, for 2026
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