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UPDATED: Local legion saved

Vernon legion will remain open thanks to new board
Vernon’s legion will remain open. (Erin Christie/Morning Star)

UPDATE: The Legion’s new executive are: Jennifer Pace, incoming president, Larry Dubray, 1st vice-president,Sandra Patterson, secretary and Madalaine Johnston, treasurer.

The new board members are: Doug Watts, Diane Jolly and Coreen Jenner.

John Miller will continue in his role as service officer, while Harry Pettigrue will take over as Sergeant at Arms.

The new executive takes over on May 1.

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Last month Vernon’s legion board called out for help — Tuesday night, the community answered.

Branch president, Bill Balcaen announced Wednesday that the legion would continue to operate under a new executive board, thanks to the nine members who stepped up to fill the positions vacated in February.

The Legion’s new executive are: Jennifer Pace, who will take over as president, Larry Dubray, 1st vice-president, Sandra Patterson, secretary and Madalaine Johnston, treasurer.

The new board members are: Doug Watts, Diane Jolly and Coreen Jenner.

John Miller will continue in his role as service officer, while Harry Pettigrue will take over as Sergeant at Arms.

The new executive will officially take on their roles on May 1.

“I’m elated,” Balcaen said Wednesday afternoon.

“It sure looks positive for us,” Balcaen added, noting the increase in female leaders on new executives.

“I think having more ladies on the board will keep is in line.”

Following a meeting held in early 2018, Balcaen said five members of the executive, including himself, had made the “difficult” decision to step down, leaving the 91 year-old organization, for the first time, with no local leadership.

According to Balcaen this would’ve meant the legion would have been forced to close its doors on April 30, wt which point zone command would take over and begin the process of dissolving branch 25.

The Vernon branch was founded on Jan.11, 1927 to serve the needs of Canadian soldiers and their families. They celebrated 91 years in Vernon in January.

Erin Christie

Morning Star Staff


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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