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Yellow vests protest at Vernon courthouse Saturday

Protesters took to the steps of the Vernon courthouse Saturday.
Jody Kaliszuk stands in support of a Yellow Vest Movement peaceful protest at Vernon Law Courts Saturday, Jan. 26. (Katherine Peters/Morning Star)

Once again, the Okanagan “yellow vest” members lined the courthouse steps Saturday in protest of the Liberal government.

The Yellow Vest Movement began in France on Nov. 17 after the French government planned to increase a fuel tax. Even after the plans to increase the tax were revoked, protests continued. It quickly gained momentum and spread to various countries around the world.

The Canada’s Yellow Vest protest group say they focus on a variety of issues including: anti-tax, sovereignty, immigration, free speech, free press, energy, reform and peace. Vernon’s group first protested at the local courthouse in mid-December. They said they are taking their cue from the vest-wearing protesters in France.

Related: Yellow Vest movement rallied in Vernon Saturday

“The reason I’m out here is that my father fought in the Second World War, took a bullet in his head for this country and I was raised that you protect your country’s democracy and you question when you see something arise within your governance that impacts your future generations, it is your obligation as a citizen to step up, stand up and denounce it,” said protester Carol Boehm.

She said the group hopes to encourage citizens to question governmental changes to bills and research the changes to see how it will affect citizens.

Related: French yellow vest protesters number 32,000

Related: Letter: Yellow Vests are no gilets jaunes

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About the Author: Vernon Morning Star Staff

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