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AT RANDOM: My New Year's wish list

This past year was filled with war, loss, Trump and intolerance, but it also showed some of the good in humanity
Kristin Froneman is a columnist and arts editor with The Morning Star.

Well another year has come and gone, and what have we learned? Not a whole heck of a lot if you go by Google or social media.

This past year was filled with war, loss, Trump and intolerance, but it also showed some of the good in humanity as well.

As I prefer to look at the positives, here’s my wish list for 2017:

• That somehow, someway we  Canadians can deal with any impending disaster south of the border by supporting our neighbours when they flock here in droves.

• That somehow, someway Americans can deal with any impending disaster by not building walls, but embrace one another, no matter of colour, creed, economic situation, sexual orientation, politics or religion.

• That the above statement apply to the rest of the world, Canada included.

•  That the people of Aleppo and all of Syria find peace; that a cease fire is finally adhered to, and if that doesn’t happen, that refugees can escape to either a welcoming country, or be able to one day return home to their loved ones.

• That governments see the light, instead of dollar signs, and respect indigenous land rights and sensitive environments, especially when it comes to building pipelines or giant dams.

• That my children look up from their screens, go outside, breathe in fresh air, play and don’t come back home til the sun sets.

• That children all over the world have food in their bellies and someone to look after them.

• That we no longer have to hear about someone dying before their time (RIP David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Prince, Annie Pootoogook, Alan Thicke, Pete Burns, Anton Yelchin, Alexis Arquette, George Michael, Carrie Fisher, et al.).

• That those we admired from our youth, who are no longer with us, find peace (Gordie Howe, Gene Wilder, Leonard Cohen, Muhammad Ali, Florence Henderson, Zsa Zsa Gabor et al.).

• That grown-ups stop griping and whining on social media, or trolling others with their negativity, and instead get off their rumps to try and make a difference in their communities.

• That those vulnerable in society – the homeless, desperate, drug addled or with mental illness – find the help they need with support, not disdain

• That my 81-year-old mother be happy and safe in her new home.

• That Fort McMurray and any other community affected by fire has lots of rain.

• That Louisiana, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and any other community affected by flood has less rain.

• That the polar ice caps stop melting.

• That science continues on its course of finding cures for cancer, HIV, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Alzheimer’s, ALS, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and all other deadly and devastating diseases.

• That my family gets a puppy to love, walk and snuggle (hint, hint).

• That Vernon residents find a way to finally agree on its controversial crosswalk and intersection. Whether it’s the rainbow or Stickle Road, it’s time to redirect our attention and stop saying, “it’s my way, or the highway,” and come to a compromise.


I hope all your wishes come true in 2017. Happy New Year!