The only time most of us hear anything about Islam is when we turn on the TV and view horrendous atrocities apparently done in the name of that faith.
However, there is so much more to Islam than those individuals who have twisted it for their own purpose. Above all, most Muslims, including in the North Okanagan, are law-abiding citizens raising their families and making ends meet.
Because of the misconceptions and lack of awareness, it’s positive that the Vernon Muslim Association will host Islam: The Great Debate Saturday.
“We want everyone to be open and understanding of the Islamic faith,” said Muhammad William Saleh, who will lead the discussion.
“We want to draw people who have serious questions about the Islamic religion. People feel uncomfortable to ask questions and I want to open it up to them. With Islam, there is no shyness in asking questions.”
The meeting is free but donations for the Vernon Interfaith Bridging Project are welcome, which is also important as that initiative encourages understanding.
The April 1 lecture is at the Eagles Hall from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and we would encourage all residents to attend and learn more about their neighbours. All elected officials, and particularly those on Vernon council, should also be there as their leadership is needed to counter bigotry.
Obviously some of you may not agree with all of the information you hear Saturday, but look at it as a starting point — a place to begin a respectful discussion.