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Electoral reform needed: Vernon proponent

LETTER: How do we fix government? By making sure each of our voices count equally

I am frightened by the increasing divisions in our society and our world.

It scares me that the small number of very wealthy people are becoming wealthier while increasing numbers of Canadians can’t cover monthly bills and debt payments, can’t afford to buy a modest house or even find an affordable place to rent. Corporations accumulate wealth while paying their employees as little as possible.

We are still struggling with the pandemic and can’t agree that vaccination, social distancing and mask wearing decrease disease and death.

We have changed the global climate by increasing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere as a result of burning fossil fuels.

The climate is becoming more unpredictable, extreme and threatens the livelihoods and lives of people around the world. We understand the problem, set goals for reducing fossil fuel use, but it only increases.

Our governments dither and point fingers across the aisle as the planet burns. The one thing we all could do immediately – conserve, actions like reducing our accumulation of “things,” reducing unnecessary travel, and something as simple as turning down the thermostat, are not mentioned because it would be “bad” for the economy.

Why does it look like this? Because governmental and corporate decision-making is concentrated in the hands of the wealthy and they don’t want anyone telling them they have to share. But we must share – we must share wealth, health and survival.

How do we turn this around? As much as you many not want to hear this, it must be done by government – time and time again it has been proven that the result of reduced government is exactly what we are experiencing – power and wealth concentrating at the top, and increasing numbers of people without enough.

How do we fix government? By making sure each of our voices count equally.

How do we do that? A Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform would be a good place to start.

Janet Parkins

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About the Author: Vernon Morning Star Staff

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