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Fence a great solution to park problems with pooches in Vernon

LETTER: ‘I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or just shake my head’

I read with interest in the city column that there is a problem with dogs peeing on blankets and chairs at Marshall Field, as brought up by city councillor Kari Gares. She was quoted as saying, “Dogs should not be anywhere near that field.”

I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or just shake my head, but I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she’s never set foot on Marshall Field.

The subject ball diamonds are side-by-side with an off-leash dog park with the bleachers on the park side of the fence, so there’s no way they can not be near that field! I’m not sure who planned to have the bleachers and viewing area inside the dog park, but it’s a problem not just for the spectators but also for dog owners.

My pup, a year and a half old, has been poisoned by marijuana three times in that park. Puppies tend to pick up and ingest anything they find, and under the bleachers is a dangerous place for them. I’ve warned other small dog owners about this and several have said their dogs too have been poisoned there by marijuana. My dog tested positive the first time and we learned the signs to watch for. It also happened in a campground and we almost lost her.

There is a simple solution and it would solve everyone’s concerns – just put a fence around the viewing area. It doesn’t have to be extravagant – a low wire fence would suffice. Both spectators and dog owners would be happy, and the sooner the better.

Kari Gares, please take note and ‘get right on it’, because dogs are going to continue being near that field!

Alison Crerar

READ MORE: Dog walkers cry foul over fence at Vernon park

READ MORE: Vernon swings for Marshall Field fence in dog dilemma


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