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Guess that sign: Okanagan Rail Trail marker overgrown

Trail users wondering why a sign would be erected behind a tree
A sign placed on the Okanagan Rail Trail is blocked by a tree near Coldstream. (Contributed)

There is a new game to be played on the Rail Trail. We call it: Guess that sign.

The accompanying photos show how it goes.

First, approach the sign from the back. You will find it jammed up against a tree.

Second, make your guess as to what you will find on the other side of the sign.

Third, check to see the face of the sign through the tree.

Fourth, do some bushwhacking and determine what is actually on the sign.

Five points for a correct guess, with bonus points for an inventive reason why the sign would have been placed there in the first place.

Squirrels crossing?

Now, parks board, don’t be spoilsports and go and move it.

Heddi & Tony Walter

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Jennifer Smith

About the Author: Jennifer Smith

20-year-Morning Star veteran
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