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Helen Sidney cleaning up Vernon’s garbage

LETTER: Time for residents to give Helen a break and clean up after themselves

Congratulations, Helen Sidney, on becoming the Good Citizen of the Year.

What an inspiration she was to see her walking in the Winter Carnival parade at the age of 100!

I am grateful Helen picks up garbage and keeps Bella Vista Road clean and I enjoy her friendly waves.

However, wouldn’t it be wonderful if she didn’t need to do this job? A number of us are concerned for her safety.

Who are these people who are littering?

It was drilled into me by my school especially, Scouting and parents at an early age, the importance of leaving anywhere in better shape than I found it.

I often stuffed sticky ice cream wrappers in my pockets until I arrived home.I realize picking up other people’s garbage is hazardous these days with discarded needles lying around but we can look after our own garbage.

We are fortunate in this day and age to have garbage cans more available.Let’s do a better job and give the caring Helen Sidney’s of this world a chance to retire.

Thank you, Helen, for your dedication.

Patricia Hesketh

READ MORE: Vernon clean-up extraordinaire Helen Sidney named Good Citizen of the Year

READ MORE: Vernon resident honoured for keeping city clean


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Jennifer Smith

About the Author: Jennifer Smith

20-year-Morning Star veteran
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