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Legalizing pot

LETTER: Evidence of medical benefits of marijuana

In a recent issue of the paper, I read an article titled, “Legalization Means Rules,” and whilst I agree with some of the writer’s opinions, I came across a substantial flaw in their argument. The writer states, “Regardless of whatever unproven medical benefits cannabis might have, it is still a mind-altering drug.”

Dr. Raphael Mechoulam is the president of the International Cannabinoid Research Society and has won various awards for his role in discovering that our bodies not only utilize cannabis compounds such as CBD and THC, but that out bodies actually produce similar compounds naturally. Dr. Mechoulam was able to prove this with his discovery of the Endocannabinoid System, which plays a vital role in our overall health. He has proven, through science, that Cannabis does have medicinal value.

As a person who has been formally diagnosed with PTSD, my family doctor has kept me informed about the profound medicinal effects that cannabis can offer. As a result of his insight, I have greatly reduced, and in some cases eliminated, my use of other pharmaceuticals. I would also like to point out that only a few of the hundreds of cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant are psychoactive. In fact, CBD is one component of the plant that, when ingested, provides relief without a high.

Any substance available for human consumption, be it caffeine, alcohol, cannabis, opioids, and even sugar, are likely to be abused, simply because it’s in our nature to do so. As a race, we’ve never been great at balancing anything, especially if it makes us feel good. Unfortunately, this means there will always be some jerk who “blows smoke in a cop’s face,” because they feel entitled. Humans instinctively feel entitled, period. I support the legalization of cannabis as long as there is accompanying education; otherwise, we’re no better off than we are now.

Felix Bartholomew
